If you want to create an environment in your vivarium that’s both attractive and beneficial to the health of your froggy friends, you’ll need to make sure it has plenty of plants! 

Little Prince has two White’s Tree Frogs as pets that we have named Willie and Stevie. We love adding new plants to our frog tank (AKA vivarium) and watching them explore their lush green habitat.

While there are hundreds of different species of vivarium plants you could use, some will have better benefits than others depending on the type of frog you have. The best vivarium plants for frogs will be both aesthetically pleasing to you and support your frog’s health.


Hoyas are vigorous plants from Southeast Asia with thick waxy foliage and fragrant flower clusters. They prefer to dry out in-between watering, so be careful not to place them anywhere in the tank where the soil stays waterlogged. Hoyas have a vining-twining growth habit, so consider planting them in an elevated area of the enclosure where their beautiful foliage has room to spread.

Popular Hoyas for Vivariums


If you want something that is easy to maintain and colorful, try adding a bromeliad plant to your vivarium! They’re hardy plants in the pineapple family and work well in low light settings. Most bromeliads are tropical species, native to humid forests of North, Central, and South America. Their large strap-like leaves provide the perfect structure for your frogs to climb and explore their enclosure.

Popular Bromeliads for Vivariums


Tropical ferns are fantastic additions to most vivaria. They come in a wide array of textures and colors and thrive in the moist, humid conditions typically found in tropical reptile and amphibian enclosures. There are a wide variety of houseplant ferns that you can choose for your frog vivarium.

Popular Ferns for Vivariums


Spikemoss (Selaginella spp.) are a great choice for frog habitats. They thrive in the humid conditions created by enclosed terrariums, and are very easy to grow. Slowly-spreading plants like spikemoss act as a groundcover, covering any bare patches of soil that are not already topped by leaflitter mulch. Frogs have moist skin and can easily become dirty while crawling around their tank, so covering your soil with plants or leaflitter is a great way to keep them from getting too dirty.

Willie and Stevie need a bath after crawling around in the dirt

Willie and Stevie need a bath after crawling around in the dirt.


Calathea are beautiful broad-leafed houseplants that your froggy friend may enjoy. These popular plants thrive when provided medium light, high humidity, and consistently moist soil. Their large leaves come in a variety of sizes, colors, and patterns, providing beauty and visual interest to your vivarium.

Popular Calatheas for Vivariums

We’d love to hear from you!  Do you just love your plants and want to share?  Or, do you have a question or concern?  Please reach out. Email is the BEST way to reach Auntie Joan as she is usually busy packing orders.

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