Hoya pubicalyx – Wax Plant (4.5″ Pot)

Hoya pubicalyx  is a trailing houseplant featuring thick, glossy green, oval leaves with pointed tips and a black margin, hence the name. It produces waxy, ball clusters of whitish yellow flowers with reddish purple centers.

Hoyas are an easy care plant for hanging baskets indoor or out. It is also great trained up a trellis or support pole. This evergreen tropical vine actively grows in the warm temperatures of late Spring to Fall. Hoya pubicalyx prefers a warm, humid environment with bright indirect light. Fertilize, mist and water regularly, reducing water in winter. Allow the soil to dry out between watering. Keep your Hoya above 55°F, or its growth might be stunted.



Recommended Light Conditions

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Bloom Colors


Colors (Foliage)


Growth Habit



Hoya pubicalyx  is a trailing houseplant featuring thick, glossy green, oval leaves with pointed tips and a black margin, hence the name. It produces waxy, ball clusters of whitish yellow flowers with reddish purple centers.

Hoyas are an easy care plant for hanging baskets indoor or out. It is also great trained up a trellis or support pole. This evergreen tropical vine actively grows in the warm temperatures of late Spring to Fall. Hoya pubicalyx prefers a warm, humid environment with bright indirect light. Fertilize, mist and water regularly, reducing water in winter. Allow the soil to dry out between watering. Keep your Hoya above 55°F, or its growth might be stunted.

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