Terrariums are tiny little magical plant worlds that you create yourself. What’s not to like about choosing and arranging cute plants into containers?

The plants you choose matter! Your plant selections are the absolute key to success. So what are the best plants for a terrarium? First, it is important to know the plants you choose all have the same watering needs. In general, terrarium plants should be on the smaller side. You don’t want to overfill your container with too many plants or too large of plants.

Types of Terrariums

There are two types of terrariums: open and closed.

In an open terrarium, you will need to water your little ecosystem every few weeks to a month, or when it runs out of moisture. Plants in an open terrarium don’t thrive on as much humidity and need drier conditions and more air circulation.

The closed terrarium has everything the plants need and is sealed so you don’t do as much watering and maintenance. The moisture condenses on the glass to trickle down and water the plants inside. 

Enjoy the fun, fresh, and charming terrarium plants from Little Prince!

Ready to get started? Here are the top 10 best-selling terrarium plants for you!

1. Peperomias

Peperomias are compact, easy-to-grow houseplants that are suited to growing in a terrarium. They grow well in moderate light and prefer moist soil but don’t like to be overwatered. Some peperomia that like to be in terrariums include Peperomia Ruby Glow and the Peperomia prostrata or String of Turtles.

2. Fittonia

Fittonia, also known as nerve plants, are tropical plants with dark green leaves and white, cream, or pink veins. This is where they get their name, as the veins resemble our nervous system. They love constant moisture and humidity, so they’re great for terrariums. Nerve plants grow to about 6 inches tall, but they can be made more compact and bushier by regularly pinching back the stems. The Fittonia verschaffeltii ‘Albivenis’ is a favorite.

3. Air Plants

Air plants are just that, plants that don’t need soil to grow. In their natural habitat (Mexico and South America), these little plants typically grow in the crooks of larger trees, under the rainforest canopy, and along the sides of cliffs. They are low maintenance and grow in damp, humid climates with a large amount of rainfall, as well as in Alpine conditions with mist and fog as their only sources of water. This makes them great as an open terrarium plant.

4. Pilea

Pilea plants are known for their green, circular-shaped leaves. Some varieties that are good for terrariums are Pileas mollis Moon Valley and Pilea ‘Silver Sparkles’. The plants like moist, well-drained soil with bright, indirect light. Fertilize monthly during active growth. They like protection from freezing temperatures, so they will be snug and comfy in a terrarium setting.

5. Small Begonias

Begonias are native to tropical and subtropical regions and come in different varieties with amazing leaf patterns and flowers. Many do very well indoors as terrarium plants. These plants need good drainage, so the roots are never soaking in water or cut off from oxygen. They do not like their growing medium to be too wet, but they do like higher humidity. They also like growing in sphagnum moss within a terrarium.

6. Ferns

Have a little fun with ferns by adding some of these plants to your mini-ecosystem. Ferns do well in terrariums since they like filtered sunlight and humidity. They thrive in neutral to acidic, loose, richly organic soil which is moist but not waterlogged. Ferns can grow in an open or closed terrarium.

7. Selaginella

Selaginella or spikemoss is a rather charming, fern-like perennial that forms a low, mounded cushion of whorled green leaves. The Selaginella has evergreen foliage and thrives in moist conditions with high humidity and moderate to low light. It likes a closed terrarium.

8. Moss

Your miniature landscape may look even more magical with the addition of a soft moss carpet. Low maintenance and lush, mosses like the terrarium environment because they need regular water to stay vibrant. Plant in moist, well-drained soil with regular water. It can be planted in an open or closed terrarium.

9. Soleirolia

Soleirolia have small, dainty, bright-yellow leaves that grow along slender stems, creating a loose, lush mat that is perfect for a mini garden or terrarium. These little plants grow best in moist, rich soil with regular water. Soleirolia can be planted in open or closed terrariums.

10. Sedums

With their diverse colors and cute leaves, sedums are a great choice for an open terrarium. Sedums have leaves in shades of green and silver to pinks that add interest to your little garden. The foliage is sometimes covered in a waxy coating, giving it a powdery look. Sedums stay happy in well-drained soil away from reflected heat. Once established, they can be watered infrequently. Sedum, meaning “to sit” in Latin, is an appropriate name for these low-growing succulents. These plants need an open terrarium home.