Senecio rowleyanus ‘Variegata’ – Variegated String of Pearls (2″ Pot)

Strings of small, round, succulent beads trail off this unusual plant. Senecio rowleyanus ‘Variegata, well known as Variegated String of Pearls, is a perfect succulent plant for hanging baskets! Just look at those tiny green ‘peas’ with creamy variegation. It produces small, white, daisy-shaped, fragrant flowers.

Provide a well-drained soil and be careful not to overwater. Keep this plant away from children and pets as it can be mildly toxic if ingested. Protect your String of Pearls plant from frost.



Recommended Light Conditions

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Approximate Mature Height

Approximate Mature Width

Bloom Colors

Colors (Foliage)

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Growth Habit





Strings of small, round, succulent beads trail off this unusual plant. Senecio rowleyanus ‘Variegata, well known as Variegated String of Pearls, is a perfect succulent plant for hanging baskets! Just look at those tiny green ‘peas’ with creamy variegation. It produces small, white, daisy-shaped, fragrant flowers.

Provide a well-drained soil and be careful not to overwater. Keep this plant away from children and pets as it can be mildly toxic if ingested. Protect your String of Pearls plant from frost.

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