Peperomia ‘Metallica’ – Metallic Peperomia (4.5″ Pot)

This product is no longer available from Little Prince. This product page has been kept for informational purposes.

Peperomia ‘Metallica’ is an evergreen succulent plant featuring plump, leathery, cupped leaves with greenish black leaves, center silver streaks and red wine-colored undersides. The trailing stems appear upright at first, but eventually spill over do to their own weight. Displays small, creamy yellow, mouse-tail blooms in late summer to fall.

Plant in a container or hanging basket indoors or use as a summer patio plant. Peperomia’s are sought after for their ability to handle low light in a home or office, although bright indirect light is ideal. Prefers a humid environment and neutral to acidic, well-draining soil. Allow the soil to dry out before watering.



Recommended Light Conditions

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Approximate Mature Height

Approximate Mature Width

Bloom Colors


Colors (Foliage)

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Growth Habit




Peperomia ‘Metallica’ is an evergreen succulent plant featuring plump, leathery, cupped leaves with greenish black leaves, center silver streaks and red wine-colored undersides. The trailing stems appear upright at first, but eventually spill over do to their own weight. Displays small, creamy yellow, mouse-tail blooms in late summer to fall.

Plant in a container or hanging basket indoors or use as a summer patio plant. Peperomia’s are sought after for their ability to handle low light in a home or office, although bright indirect light is ideal. Prefers a humid environment and neutral to acidic, well-draining soil. Allow the soil to dry out before watering.

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