You Ask – Mike Answers!

The question below was asked of @littleprincetogo on Instagram last month:

Why are my trailing plants leaves getting smaller down the vine as they grow?

Mike says: Trailing plants get smaller as they grow down because they are growing away from the light, or they don’t have an adequate light source as they grow downwards.  Most trailing plants are wanting to climb, so if you mount them to a moss pole or board, they will get bigger as they grow up towards the light. 

Mark is showing a great example of a plant that was not staked to continue to grow up, so it has by default trailed down where the light is not as good. As a result the leaves are much smaller.

Ficus pumila ‘Variegata’

Monstera adansonii

Parthenocissus ‘Amazonica’

Pellionia repens (Red Form)

Pilea glauca

Tradescantia zebrina