All About Albuca!!!

Walk into a room with these stylin’ spirals, and you will be taken aback by its utter cuteness! The fast-growing, curling leaves emerge from an underground bulb. Although commonly mistaken as a succulent, Albuca spiralis is not, but has mostly similar needs. Each plant will form a single, central flower spike with chartreuse green, orchid-like blooms. The smell reminds us of green olives, although others have said they smell closer to vanilla or butter. You be the judge!

The flower stems grow tall and dominate the foliage. We suggest removing the stalk as soon as it appears to encourage fuller growth and to prevent the leaf curls from browning early. The plant will go dormant in summer, losing all its leaves. If the bulb is healthy, it will produce more green spirals in winter.

This is a South African native, originating in the semi-desert provinces of Northern and Western Cape. There, rain events are few and far between, making this plant extremely drought tolerant.


General Care:


These plants can be grown in zones 8 to 11, but really thrive in zones 9 to 10. Ideally, Albuca spiralis would prefer indoor temperatures above 60°F.



Sun, sun sun! These sun-hungry plants need exposure to hold onto their tight curls. Position in full sun, although you may want to provide some shade in late afternoon on very hot summer days. Also grows well on a sunny, south-facing window.



Provide infrequent waterings from late fall to early summer when the bulbs are putting out new growth. Allow the soil to dry out completely before watering it again. After the plant goes dormant in summer, keep the soil almost dry.



Drain, drain, drain! A well-drained soil is essential to growing a healthy plant. Plant the bulbs in a 50:50 mix of loam-based soil and perlite grit. Store-bought soils designed for cacti and succulent species will work fine.



Growing Albuca spiralis from seed is not recommended, taking years for a sizeable bulb to form. Growing from existing bulbs is best, whether purchased or divided from an existing clump.


Pests and Problems

Very few pests affect these plants, although the roots loathe sitting in wet soil. This will cause them to rot. Well-draining soil is key!


People go crazy for the curling foliage of Albuca spiralis ‘Frizzle Sizzle’! Plant in some crazy and fun containers for some playful combinations.